Took this on my way home from the coffee shop at Pineridge Natural Area.
Half of me is filled with bursting words
Victoria Erickson
and half of me is painfully shy.
I crave solitude yet also crave people.
I want to pour life and love into everything
yet also nurture my self-care and go gently.
I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision,
yet also wish to sit and contemplate.
This is the messiness of life – that we all carry multitudes,
so must sit with the shifts.
We are complicated creatures, and ultimately,
the balance comes from this understanding.
Be water.
Flowing, flexible and soft.
Subtly powerful and open.
Wild and serene.
Able to accept all changes,
yet still led by the pull of steady tides.
It is enough.
I also experience the messiness of life she talks about in the above quote, those constant changes, challenges and especially the surprises. At this time of my life these changes and challenges are becoming more acceptable and in many ways I’m eager to face them with all the gifts and talents I’ve attained in life so far. Some of these challenges have become adventures. Not sure I would have said that 20 years ago but I do now. Hope you enjoy this quote by Victoria Erickson. I especially like this line, “I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision, yet also wish to sit and contemplate.” Hope you have a great weekend!
Tom Dills
For me, the statement that “We are complicated creatures, and ultimately,
the balance comes from this understanding” speaks volumes. Regardless of how much we try to force fit situations into our wishes, we ultimately need to learn to go with the flow. Nice!
Monte Stevens
Yes, she says with the idea of the water flow.
Faye White
Sometimes, when part of my brain says “go with the flow”, the other side of my brain says “hell no!” And yet, I rarely have the mental or physical energy to fight the currents. Life.
Monte Stevens
There is a saying that we can reach a place where we cease fighting any and everything. I live much more along that line now.
Geri Oster
I have never found anything that so perfectly describes the struggle that I have had with myself all my life. What a blessing to see it in black and white from another so that I can simply embrace it and no longer judge it as flawed. Thank you, Monte for bringing this to me today.
Monte Stevens
I really resonated with here poem as well. I now want to read some of her other work of essays and poems. She may be very good for me at this place in life. And, thank you, Geri, for showing up and leaving your thoughts for us.