clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections,  sunsets

It is within each of us…

Sunset at Running Deer Natural Area

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

Black Elk

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Mark. This a place I don’t go often enough. It is rather isolated so a lot more silence than other natural areas can be. It is also a haven for waterfowl. The trees in the distance have nests of returning pairs of Ospreys. And, that call reflective water is so calming to me.

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