First Tom did it, then Earl did it. So, I did it. I had to! Thought it would be wise to follow suit with two accomplished photographers. As many of you know I’ve been toying with upgrading for quite some time. Well, the time arrived. And, the camera and lens just arrived. Battery is charging. I’ll keep you informed as I get a better grasp on this upgrade. It was inevitable!
Congrats! Monte. Very nice!
Monte Stevens
Be sure and save the box, Monte! lol
Monte Stevens
And, all the plastic bags everything’s wrapped in.
Yes, of course, you just stuff those back down into the empty box.
Monte Stevens
Tom Dills
Very nice, Monte! I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts once you’ve had a chance to sort it out.
Monte Stevens
It is a major upgrade from the X-T10. I feel it fits in my hands much better, comfortable. So many more bells and whistles.
Tom Dills
I think you’ll like that lens, too. Much heavier than the 18-55 but the little bit if extra reach makes it worth the trade-off. I also sold off my 18-135 so that is now my one go-everywhere travel lens. Takes pretty good pitchers, too!
Congrats! I love my XT-2.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mark. I’m already loving it. What an upgrade for me!
Good Choice!
Monte Stevens