Silence is somehow at the very foundation of all reality.
Richard Rohr
I was restless yesterday afternoon so I grabbed my camera gear and headed to Prospect Ponds. The wind has been blowing all day so I bundled up, but knowing I would not stay long. I’m too old to endure too much cold. I was pleased to find plenty of silence and very few people (smarter than me?). I met up with a couple of the park rangers and asked if they could shut off the wind. They laughed and told me they already did but it was going to take a few minutes for it to take effect. Wasn’t what I wanted to hear but I admired their quick response and humor. As I took this image of the ice patterns on the pond I realized how cold I was getting. It was time to go. Enjoy your Sunday and stay warm!!
geri oster
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Geri!!