To be alive and walk on the Earth is a miracle, and yet most of us are running as if there was some better place to get to. There is beauty calling to us every day, every hour, but we are rarely in a position to listen.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I can easily find myself running, sometimes unaware of the direction I’m running. Often times it’s driven by fear, worry, fatigue, anger, running late, and not surprisingly, influenced by our highly driven society. I have a few of ways to slow down. One is to journal. Another is time in nature. Prayer and meditation time is another. As I think about that I realize they allow me to see more of the beauty in this world. Enjoy your Monday!
Tom Dills
Good words, Monte. Make the best of what’s in front of us rather than chasing some elusive ideal.
Monte Stevens
It takes practice for me to stay present rather than what my mind thinks. I don’t make it happen but learning to enjoy what is in front of me.
Being in a position to listen is just like being in a position to see. And as you appropriately state Monte, it takes a bit of slowing down. Kinda hard to see the diamond on the side of the road driving by at 70 MPH.
Monte Stevens
It’s hard for me to see the diamond driving along at 35 mph.
I’m learning more about slowing down and some of that is due to daging. May be that’s another gift we have at this season of life. In many ways I need to slow down in my photography. Thanks for your comments!!
Hey, whataya expect, I made up that analogy on the fly … ok, 35 mph then – or anything faster than a walk..
Monte Stevens
I love it!!!!