I’m now in Phoenix visiting my parents. I headed out for some morning sunrise photos and froze out there. I was not expecting the weather to be this cold. It was 27 degrees yesterday morning and about 33 this morning. May have to go back to Colorado to get warm. But, I am enjoying time with my family. This image was taken a couple yeras ago at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver. Have a super day.
Chris Klug
I lived in Phoenix a few years and I can’t remember it ever going below freezing. Wow! That is unusual. Stay warm.
Monte Stevens
Both Monday and Tuesday nights were below freezing. I’m afraid a lot of plants were frost bitten. I also did not dress appropriately for that weather and froze when taking sunrise photos. Brrr!
Monte: The cold seems to be following you, my friend. You’re bad for Phoenix!
Monte Stevens
I did get blamed by my parents and sister. But, the last two days we reached 70 degrees. Much better!
Anita Jesse
Wow. That cold in Phoenix! Our cold spell finally broke. We hit 60 degrees yesterday.
Very nice composition in this picture. And the light is beautiful.
Anita; you know that I’m wondering if he, somehow, flew over NC on his way to Phoenix. We’re under a winter storm warning for tonight! It’s got to be his fault!
Anita Jesse
How convenient! So, we can start blaming Monte for the weather? Nice!!
Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
I just looked your way, Paul!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Anita!
Great reflection and that looks cold.
Finally found you after some PC problems I also had to change my site.
Monte Stevens
Sorry about the computer problems but glad you back up and running. Thanks, Don!
Cedric Canard
Monte, I’ll try to send you some of our 100F heat at the moment. I’m not complaining mind you, other parts of the country are 115F or more. Seems difficult to find that nice-all-year-round kind of place. Maybe we need to become perpetual travellers. The photo opportunities would certainly be grand
Monte Stevens
Go ahead and send us a few degrees, Cedric. We had 20 degrees this morning at 6:30 so anything would help. I sometimes think my makeup has a nomadic gene or two because I do wander about. Seeing new places, and even revisiting some, are what I like to do.