2-3 inches of snow fell Friday and Saturday which I don’t mind. Well I have my limits on how much. What I do mind is when the temperatures falls and falls and falls. The snow and frost can be beautiful but the cold that goes with it are not pleasant. So, this morning at 8:01 am it was -5 (F). And, check out that humidity. Baby, it’s cold outside. Lets’ see if it reaches the predicted 27.

Tom Dills
It’s to 16 here and headed for 9 overnight. Plenty cold for around here, that’s for sure! Stay warm and remember that spring is just three months away.
Monte Stevens
That is unusually cold for your part of the country. Stay warm!
Mary Ann
Our Feels Like is -40 and its -17 this morning. Stay warm!
Monte Stevens
Well, bundle up when it’s that cold. I hope it’s warmed up a bit since then. Thanks again for your commenting!
Wow! You were almost at the dew point! We hit a low of 8 last night. I had thought of going out and photographing some ice along the edge of still water; however, I thought better of it. Maybe I’ll wait for it to get into the double digits. We’re not expecting to get above 27 today anyway.
Monte Stevens
I’m in Durango, CO this morning. I took a short walk along the river and did get a few images of the ice built up around the boulders in the river. I made it a short walk as my ears we pretty cold by the time it got back to the hotel. Hope you stayed warm!
Cedric Canard
I’m sweating puddles over here, want to swap places for a while?
Monte Stevens
Maybe we could swap some negative degrees for some positive degrees. Get things in balance.