On my walk through the Fisher Nature area I cross an open field of knee high tall bluestem grass. I tickles my bare legs as I walk through the grass. Every once in a while I’ll startle, and be startled, by a field mouse or notice a fox watching me. Butterflies follow along and of course the birds let me know with their song how much they enjoy the meadow and surrounding trees. I also believe their song is my invitation to enjoy the medow along with them. Of course, I’m always enjoying the light cast across the field. No matter how many photos I have of that field I’ve never really been satisfied with the images I bring home. Yet, I will continue to carry my camera and take photos as I walk through the field. The walk is what it’s about, anyway.
Cedric Canard
Oh, I know the feeling where a place is captivating and touches the psyche on some deep level but somehow manages to evade any attempts to capture that feeling with a camera. I have a couple such places.
Monte Stevens
They keep us coming back. I don’t go back just for the image but for place. It’s spirit calls me.
Tom Dills
While I admire and appreciate your desire to capture what you see and feel there, it can be very difficult to do so, as you’ve discovered. But keep that camera handy ’cause you never know.
Monte Stevens
I will keep it close by. I’ve carried one on my shoulder or in a camera bag long enough to feel naked without one.