“Always carry a notebook. And, I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea forever.”
Will Self
Same goes for a camera, otherwise I would not have this image or yesterdays or the day before.
Cedric Canard
Have you ever noticed how for every quote there is another equally wise sounding quote that states the exact opposite. I once came across a website that showed this but I cannot find it again. Only recently my son told me a quote from a writer whose name escapes me (along with the exact words) that went something along the lines of: never write down your ideas, you will find that they are always your worst ideas. In any case I like your image Monte and I’m glad you took it.
Monte Stevens
I could have used that suggestion the other night at two am when I had a thought and got up to write it down.
And, yes I have heard that.