clouds,  journaling,  landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  silence,  sunsets,  writing/reading

Journal Entry…

Reflections at Claymore Lake

… from yesterday evening: Now at RRNA. Silence. 8:05 pm. Nice and cool after the earlier rain. Love the smell of the wet grass in the meadow. Refreshing. Almost no birds to be heard or seen, but hear a distant blackbird and a killdeer. Love this sky. This is where I enjoy being. ❤️ More settled in my thoughts and soul when I’m here. I cannot run from life. No one can but this place is close. No wind! The sun has set and the light is fading. Two does and two fawns come up through the meadow, cross the parking lot towards the lake. My sisters. Pelikans drift on the lake. See some pink in the clouds. It is a good end to this day. Do not want to leave.

Have a great week!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.