This quilt was made and given to me over 8 years ago by a good friend, Judith. She was in the final stages of melanoma cancer and died a few weeks after giving me this. It now sits on my rocker and is part of my sanctuary. It was part of her process of letting go and passing along a piece of her. That makes it more than just a handmade quilt.
A prized procession kept in a place of honor, Monte. Judith is remembered with love and beauty. My mother quilted for years making some beautiful patchwork pieces of art and love.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Brooks.
Tom Dills
My grandmother did needlepoint then had the quilting done by a group of Amish. A different finished look than that quilt but very unique in character. Definitely a cherished item.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I love it.
Cedric Canard
And some people say inanimate objects don’t have life pulsing through them. It’s one of the most amazing powers we humans have; the ability to instil life into any thing, a quilt, a photograph, a soft toy. And it’s no less real than the life that makes our own hearts beat.
Monte Stevens
So true, Cedric!