I recently read from a book by Janet Ruffing that said “theology is nothing more than faith seeking understanding.” Much of my life has been spent looking for understanding of something I cannot define or even comprehend. It’s been many years since I prayed to the old man in the sky, a theology of a God defined by others and one I was expected to accept. Yet, that theology had to be discarded and I needed to enter in a journey of seeking a new understanding. For me that is the essence of the spiritual journey: the seeking. Seeking an understanding is like looking into a foggy wintery scene. The visible details are vague, yet there is more just beyond what we vaguely see.
Your fog photos are lovely Monte. They are immersive in their beauty and simplicity.
Enjoy your journey, and if I may make a suggestion by going a little “Plop” on you, do not sit in the driver’s seat. Let life do the driving while you watch the world go by. The trap laid out for the seeker when setting out on such a journey is the belief that there is a goal which makes him look into the future for answers, understanding, truth or whatever, and in doing so, blinds him to what is right here, right now.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, for your comment and your suggestion. I hope I am approaching this seeking as a passenger but that does not mean I will every once in awhile drive to drive. That’s the beauty of having fellows seekers who can and have called me out when I do. I do consider you of those fellow seekers. I’m also aware of how we can be surprised by what is offered when we do not have an agenda.