Think I’m gonna send Adobe a suggestion for them to add an automatic Remove Contrails button in Lightroom.
And a side note: Amanda Gorman rocks!
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Totally agree; Amanda Gorman is absolutely amazing. Her work and her performance of it during the inauguration held me spellbound. But then the whole day was a pretty amazing and emotional journey.
Monte Stevens
I also experienced the emotions within. The world around me seems calmer.
Agree, Amanda Gorman is a treasure. I tear up every time I read her words. But then, I was teary-eyed most of the day. Let us hope we can breathe a little easier now and feel good about the future.
Monte Stevens
I also teared up throughout the day. There is a feeling of hope. I’m ready for it.
Tom Dills
Embrace the contrails, Monte!
Actually, I often have the same issue. There are just some places that seem to have more contrails than others, and some weather conditions where they stay around for hours! The healing brush usually does a pretty good job but is somewhat inconsistent.
One thing I’ve wondered though, is that I can’t get the “Auto Mask” feature in the brush tool to put masks on people’s faces.
It’s interesting how in the last few days, our general outlook seems to have taken a more positive tone. We’re far from having things “fixed” but we’re finally seeing a competent approach. As much as we managed to think we were avoiding it, the constant noise of the past few years was a weight. The feeling is a good one!
Monte Stevens
I really only think about the contrails when I’m taking the image. Post processing them is not all that big a deal. I don’t think Americans are waking up in the morning wondering what hatred was posted during the night or early morning hours. Enjoy your weekend!