silent seamstress
creates blanket of white
late winter snow
I laid in bed after waking just to listen to the silence. Then had the silence broken by the sound a cracking tree branch. Found two small branches laying in my yard after getting out of bed. We have at least 12 inches of snow and expecting 6-8 more inches through the day. Major highways have been closed since last night. The heavy wet snow plus the wind has done some tree damage over the city. Some parts of Fort Collins have lost power. I am fine, so far, and I was able to make a 2 egg scramble and my chai latte.
Today is Pi Day which celebrates the mathematical constant π (3.14). So, to celebrate be sure and eat one of your favorite pies. I chose peach!
Beautiful scene. Fingers crossed that your electric stays on. Peach sounds good but I’d probably go for coconut cream or a good apple cinnamon. Stay safe and warm my friend!
Monte Stevens
I’d easily go for the Coconut Cream pie!! It has snowed all day but expecting it to taper of later in the night. Almost no one out. They cleaned off the sidewalks and I watched them dig out the John Deere tractor twice.
Winter scenes are so beautiful. I remember the morning silence of new snow and the sounds of trees and branches snapping. I hope your power is still on and that the snow has stopped falling. 72° here, windows open to a lovely breeze. Went to lunch with my son and daughter-in-law, but alas, no pie.
Monte Stevens
No Pie! How do you do that!
I still have electricity and pie, so all is good. And, it is still snowing, forecasted to continue into the night. Thankfully it is not cold. I am envious of your 72 degrees, though. The sun will shine again!
Tom Dills
Dang! I knew I should have gotten some pie at the store. Maybe have to get a pizza pie….
That’s a bunch of snow, especially when it is that heavy and wet. I noticed that the temperatures were right around freezing. Good snowman weather, provided you can get out of the house.
Monte Stevens
I was just out and glad I did. The temperature is pretty nice to watch this magical display by nature. I measured in two places just now and have 17″ just outside my front door and I have 16″ outside my bedroom window on the east side. I must say it is beautiful to see. And, this is the kind of snow for snowball fights.
Peach sounds pretty good.
My wife makes a great mixed berry cobbler, does that qualify as pie I wonder?
Monte Stevens
Heck yes! Two pieces! Ice cream if you want.