landscape,  mountains,  nature,  quotes

Learning to Listen

Learning to pray is learning to listen. Within the heart we learn to wait with patience for God’s words, which may come even when we have not asked. Listening itself is a form of prayer, in which our whole being is receptive.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

I always thought that it would nice to live near a river and fall asleep each night listening to the song of the river. But that’s not the reality in my life. However, when given the opportunity I am learning to listen to the rivers and streams. If that’s prayer then so be it. This is an image of the Big Thompson River in Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park taken back in May. Happy Monday!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Beautiful clear river and mountains photo, Monte. Due to all the red clay in the soil, local rivers here are often cloudy, either reddish or dirty orange. Living beside a river is not the reality in my life either.

    • Monte Stevens

      As a young boy we would take vacations to the panhandle of Texas and Oklahoma, visiting relatives. I remember those fishing excursions with my cousins down on the creek. Nothing but brown muddy water running in those creeks. However, there were some big catfish in there. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!