We’ve decided it’s too cold to stay here in Colorado so my sister, Sheree, and I are flying to Phoenix today for Thanksgiving with family. The only electronic devices will be my phone, Kindle reader and the X-T10 with 27mm and 35mm. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Steve Skinner
Enjoy the sunny skies and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Monte Stevens
And you also!
Tom Dills
Wise move! Enjoy the time with the folks and family.
Monte Stevens
Planning on it. We just arrived. Good to see them.
Paul Lester
I did the opposite, but not quite to the temperature extremes that you did.
I went to Ohio, but fortunately (for me), I didn’t see a single snowflake. Vanessa wanted to see some, but I wasn’t wasn’t very pro-snow. We did see some along the side of the road in grassy areas under a tree or two. Good enough for me!
Monte Stevens
It’s been rather cool down here for them. We had some good rain yesterday evening and will be cool the next few days. We head back to Colorado tomorrow where it is even colder. Hope you enjoyed family time.
I like photos such as this. Reminds me of some good moments in coffee shops. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Monte, and that Santa finds you well this Christmas!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Brooks. And, coffee or a latte is a good thing to have in our life.
Mary Ann
Happy Thanksgiving, hadn’t seen your posts pop up so I’m checking in to be sure you haven’t croaked on me–I don’t say much, but I read this everyday. Check in, Monte! Lol.
Monte Stevens
Good to hear from you and hope you had a good time during the Thanksgiving Holidays. If like me then too much food was eaten, that quantity not quality thing.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
Monte Stevens
Yes, I did and hope you guys also had a good Thanksgiving! I again had an issue with quantity consumption. Gobble, gobble!