Things do not make life, life.
Joan Chittister
From my own experiences I’m aware that a new fountain pen “will not” make me a better writer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. I also know that a new Fujifilm X100VI will not make me a better street photographer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. From my own life experiences the simple things I have in life are the real treasures of life. I am doing my best to live my life with less attachments to things and not accumulating more things. Chittister also says that life comes from living it. So, living life today means taking the time to savor the beauty of latte art, enjoying my mocha, and a bit of journaling with the treasures I have.
Tom Dills
I’ve been eyeing the new X100-Whatever and thinking about how it might simplify my travel photography. On our recent trip to Ohio I even shot exclusively with my 23mm lens on the X-T4 to see how I felt about the dedicated one lens. But somehow buying another camera and increasing my choices doesn’t feel much like simplifying.
But sometimes a new pen, or a new camera, just makes us happy. Then…why not?
Monte Stevens
My commnet is made in jest as I do not need another camera body to learn. Often, when I take the bus to campus and then walk to coffee I like to carry the 23mm f2.0 lens on the X-T3. It does make that a nice setup for street or travel stuff. And,as you mentioned, another camera is not simplifying my life.
Faye White
I can honestly say that new camera equipment is no longer on my ‘most wanted’ list. Now, watercolor brushes and art supplies, yes please. Lovely still life of your morning.
Monte Stevens
I’ve heard it said that addictions can be defined by the desire for “More” of whatever it is. That list could be infinite. Yet, the paint brushes and art supplies are probably less expensive!!! Go for it!