“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym
Being the dreamer that I am, I’ve had a tendency to wander off to the past or the future, knowing I cannot live in either. As I’ve lived with life’s necessary lessons, I’m more prone to live in the present moment. I’m not as prone to look back on choices and experiences that have altered my life with “regrets.” The regrets have been replaced with gratitude, allowing me to enjoy the wonders of the moment. Photography has also helped in that process. If I allow it, the camera offers me a chance to look closer and more intent at life. It helps me slow down, take it all in and enjoy all that is in front of me. Most importantly, my camera can only take images of the present moment. No need to look back. Instead accept the moment.
Bob Dein
Funny how gratitude works. I have found a similar thing. Being grateful, for just a few moments, clears my mind and prepares me to see the present. Thanks for this reminder.
Monte Stevens
Thank you and you are welcome for any refresher. I think our culture leans more towards the idea of wanting more rather than being grateful for what we have. Have a great day!
Dave Showalter
That’s about as poignant as it can be said. The words and image tell a rich story that you’re lucky to know and I’m grateful you shared. Thanks!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Dave.
Cedric Canard
Yep, gratitude can be powerful. As can photography. And whatever these two bugs might be up to can be useful too
Monte Stevens
I like the change of mode that I encounter when I pick up a camera, allowing me to see things like this, which most people just walk by.
Monte Stevens
I totally agree! Thanks!