coffee life,  poems,  writing/reading

Living a Privileged Life

Someone rummages through garbage for food
Someone hides in the closet in fear of another beating
Someone loses their child in senseless bombing
Someone faces another day of dialysis
Someone receives an wanted pathology report
Someone contemplates their suicide
Someone buries a loved one

While I enjoy my coffee life and mocha latte
While I live a privileged life


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    With so many people suffering these days, Bonnie and I often discuss how privileged we are. Your poignant poem perfectly echoes these sentiments. I feel I have at least the responsibility to acknowledge how lucky we are.
    Have a great week, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, my friend! I wrote this poem several weeks ago but hesitated to push the publish button because I didn’t feel it was finished. Yet, it is basically unchanged. 🤔 My purpose for writing it was to verbalize my awareness of “my responsibility to acknowledge how lucky I am.” I see it’s hot out your way, so stay cool.

  • Faye White

    So very true, Monte. There is so much misery and suffering in the world, the very least we can do is acknowledge our good fortune to be able to enjoy the simple things in life. Have a peaceful day. 🌞

    • Monte Stevens

      And, I hope we do not believe we are better than somebody else because we are privileged. That may even be worse. Looks like another hot day so stay cool.