“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
On Tuesday I heard of separate tragedies that ripped the lives of two families apart. I’m unable to put my feelings into words. So, after my prayer and meditation I bundled up, grabbed my camera and headed to the bus stop. A spirit of gratitude began to arise with each step I took. I no longer was aware of the cold but yet very present to the moment. I began to see so much of the world around me and not just with a photographer’s eyes. Today the sun arose on both those families but their lives will never be the same. Yes, I’m living in gratitude.
Indeed, we must be grateful for every day. Life can change in a second; we don’t know what’s around the corner. Thankfully.
Monte Stevens
Some of that gratitude has come with my age. Life has slowed down and worry is not as powerful an emotion. There is more acceptance. And, as I mentioned the walk in the cold was therapeutic for me.