coffee life,  journal,  quotes,  writing/reading

Living Their Own Lives

I imagine my books to be my children, each with its own profile and way of walking through the world… It helps me remember that though they are made by me, they are not ultimately mine. They leave home, travel, have their own relationships, and leave their own impressions. I’ve learned it’s best to, as much as possible, stay out of the way and let them live their own lives.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

With all the turmoil in our country, and in the world, I have found it vital to spend time in the pages of my journals and on this blog. The words I write, as well as the books and blogs I read, are important to me and life sustaining. It may be one word or sentence that lifts me in a time of sadness, or brings some clarity to my confusion or the words someone else shares can express what I have been trying to say but couldn’t. How some of these books and blogs find their way into my life is a comfortable mystery. It’s not that I go looking for them but I try to be present so when they do show up in my life I can be nurtured by them. I like the idea that Coates suggests books are the authors’ children sent into the world to spend time with us in some impactful way. In that context I hope my words, whether written in my journals or on this blog, have some positive impact in this world, and living their own lives.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    The universe does not always provide what we want but what we need, usually when we need it. However, we may not recognize this until after the fact, so we need to have a little faith. Something I’ve struggled with on more than one occasion. 🙄

    • Earl

      I acknowledged that my previous point of view was limited. Sometimes, evil exists without any apparent reason, and that can be disheartening. However, that is also a part of life, isn’t it?

      • Monte Stevens

        Yes, I have seen evil at work in human lives. It’s frightening, gut wrenching. I have also felt the pangs of evil within me through fear and anger, knowing I would kill to defend my children. I am better off when I am able to not react on my anger, be aware of it, and then do something positive to deal with it. And, I fail at that on a constant basis. I wonder if evil is the result of our inability to act positively with our anger or fears or resentments? Aren’t we all trying to learn how to live this life the best we can? Some are doing a better job than others for sure. Sadly, I suppose some have become accepting to their evil actions and of others. Thank you for your shares and thinking about this.

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