Well, I’m not sure what happened with my WordPress website. I upgraded to the latest WordPress and things immediately fell apart. I could not log on or access my website. I started a chat with my hosting service who got me back to a starting place. None of my themes would work. My dashboard looked like it did over a year ago. Right now you are seeing a simple free theme from WordPress. Actually I may just stick with something like this. Anyway, as you can see I started this morning with a mocha. Please give me feedback on anything that’s not working.
Tom Dills
Everything appears to look OK from here, Monte. The theme is actually very nice – simple and easy to read. I’m not any more of an expert than you are with WordPress, which is why I have a simple website!
I do know that the dashboard changed a while ago, with a default view called “Block Editor” which I didn’t like so I switched back to “Classic Editor.” Other than that I couldn’t begin to know where to start with the other stuff. 
Monte Stevens
I am looking at all the free themes available on WordPress. Almost all of them can be minimally customized and that’s all I really need. The more complicated, the more problems we can encounter.
Tom Dills
I’m using one called Twenty Fourteen. It meets my needs just fine and doesn’t give me more options than I can handle!
Monte Stevens
I’ve got twenty-ten up now.
Looks good Monte. Some people seem to like lots of choices and options but like you, I tend to prefer the exact opposite. I like simple and minimal when it comes to pretty much anything, a preference that is becoming difficult to meet these days. Of course I may just be getting old
After all, I do recall a time when I used to do endless research and comparison tables just to buy a camera or a lens and thinking back I have to laugh, I mean, what a waste of time that was 
Monte Stevens
Yes, I can still go there sometimes. Have been shopping for a new bicycle for the past couple of weeks. My current bicycle is 17 years old so I’m driving myself crazy in thinking I need the perfect bicycle. That bicycle does not exist. I really do not need 21 or 24 gears, normally using 6 gears for my commuting.
Tom Dills
Funny, just the other day I was wondering if there was still such a thing as the vaunted Sturmey-Archer 3-speed. There is! They still make them, as well as speeds up to 8! There are a number of companies making them, and they look interesting. We don’t really have bike-friendly roads where I’m at, although there are plenty of places to ride if you don’t mind schlepping them somewhere or putting them on a bus.
I am playing catch up… busy with intensive dog care – but everything looks ok on my end though. The CommentLuv plugin always messes with me at times, not always capturing the latest posts. Sorry to read things got messed up for you. I know how frustrating that can be. Good thing (and overwhelming thing) about WordPress is there are a gazillion themes out there to choose from.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I see that also. Wonder if it’s really necessary.