“What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do.” – Sanaya Romane
Looks like a loose screw or at least a lost screw. Another one of those things we see on our walks around the neighborhood.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
Loose screws… That’s something I can relate to! 🙂
Monte Stevens
I figured some of my readers could relate. 🙂
Maybe the plate just has had enough of the winter and is about to give up. Hanging on by a “thread”. 😉
Monte Stevens
I like your title better. 🙂
Monte Stevens
Of course, maybe that’s an indication of how many lose screws I do have.
Cedric Canard
“Loose Screw” (along with “Missing Marble”) was a contending title for my blog before settling on Plop.
Monte Stevens
You make me laugh. I have changed a couple things around on my website. If you check tomorrow you will find my blog page to be blank. And, no you do not have a Missing Marble. 🙂 Just click on my name at the top it will take you to my blog. I now have my home page as my blog page. You may have to change your RSS feed now.