sun plays hide and seek
sacred beams of light piercing hearts
aware of being love
On my drive to greet the morning sun I wondered if I would find a starburst peeking from behind these hay bales and received much more. I found myself playing a child’s game of hide and seek with the sun. I came home filled with love beams and gratitude.
With a storm front moving into the area this scene will change as the day moves on. Later we will see clouds move in and up to 3 inches of snow by tomorrow morning. Have a great day!
Interesting the bales look tightly and neatly stacked until you get to the far right and then they suddenly look haphazard. That and the sun’s rays make for an engaging photo. We’ve had several near-perfect days of weather here this week but they are calling for it to be cold and rainy all day tomorrow (Friday.) Have a great day and upcoming weekend, Monty.
Monte Stevens
Yes, Earl. I noticed the gap in teh bales. I even thought I may be able to sometime get the sun bursting through one of those gaps. This is actually one the more interesting and enjoyable images I’ve done in awhile.
We had about 4-5 inches of snow overnight but now have the sun shining. Still cold though. And, more snow predicted for tomorrow, Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, also.
Monte, as I revisited to read your reply, the thought came to me, it’s possible those last bales on the right might have been baled when the hay was a bit green or damp, and they stacked them to allow air circulation to prevent spontaneous combustion. I’ve seen it happen, but that’s at best a wild guess.
Monte Stevens
You are right, I’d forgotten about that. And, as I mentioned I wanted to get the sun coming through those gaps but because of the angle I could only do that for a short period of time of year.