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Loving Energy

January sunrise in 2006 – Arapaho Bend Natural Area

The elders say that Creator is perfect loving energy. Within the realm of perfect love there is no judgment. If there is no judgment then there can be no failure. In turn, if failure does not exist, there is no unworthiness. We are all one energy. We are worthy and we always were. We never have to qualify. And ceremony was born to allow us to remember that.

Richard Wagamese

It is bitter cold here in Colorado, down in the single digits. I won’t complain because other parts of the country are colder. My hands and feet are cold, which seems to be the normal these days. I was supposed to meet my classmates for our monthly luncheon but cancelled that idea. I think I’d rather make a peanut butter and jelly (apricot) sandwich, place it in a paper bag then reminisce of the old days in the cafeteria where we would trade sandwiches. Remember? That will be my ceremony for today. Stay warm and safe!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.