I watched the supermoon from my condo, having no real interest in shooting images of it. However, I changed my mind and took a half dozen shots. Since I no longer have a focal length greater than 55mm this is it. I like how it turned out, giving a view of what the human eye sees rather than the typical closeup. This tree is in my front yard so I framed the moon with it and allowed the street light to illuminate the tree.
Steve Skinner
Monte Stevens
Thanks. I like it.
Cedric Canard
I keep coming back to this shot since I saw your tweet. Supercool Monte
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric. I like it when something is triggered within us. I experience it with lyrics of a song and spend days humming or singing it.
Stairway to Heaven has been going through my head now for weeks. But I don’t mind!