There’s only one rule in photography – never develop colour film in chicken noodle soup. – Freeman Patterson
I’ve never made that mistake before but it does make sense to me.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Sounds like something that I want to try because someone said that you shouldn’t do it! :p – It’s the rebel in me!
Monte Stevens
Yes, you are a rebel.
Let us know how it turns out.
Steve Skinner
Who knows, chick soup might work well for some images!
Monte Stevens
LOL You made me laugh cuz there have been few images that could have tried it on.
Cedric Canard
No, no, no, guys, Patterson is quite right, chicken noodle soup is only for black and white film. Gazpacho is what you use for colour film. Sheesh, I thought you guys were photographers.

Monte Stevens
LOL What do use tomatoe soup on? Way too funny!!
All those rolls of film wasted because I thought it was me who screwed up, now I learn it was the wrong soup! Grrrrr.
Monte Stevens
And, now thanks to Patterson and Cedric we now what and which soup to use.
Tom Dills
Cool! A new rule to break!
Monte Stevens
Yep, now break it. It’ll be interesting to see what we all come up with.