A very good friend of mine lost his battle yesterday morning, no more suffering. I will so miss our conversations, Wayne. It is a beautiful morning with bright sunshine, just the way he would want it. I’m now off to meet another friend for coffee and a walk in our 20 degree sunshine. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Mary Ann
Condolences, Monte. I’m sorry for your loss.
Mary Ann
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mary Ann. The funeral will be this coming Tuesday. Hugs!
Don Cooper
Sorry for the loss of your friend, a walk and some coffee is a good relaxer.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Don. The funeral service will be on Tuesday. The walk did me some good, cleared the head a bit. And, meeting up with a friend I had not seen in about 6 years help a lot also. Have a good Super Bowl Sunday.
Sorry to hear that Monte. I’m sure that you’ll remember fondly all of those good conversations that you had. At least for me, it eventually goes that way.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul. Yes, time and his absence will have a way of bringing back fond memories and help in the healing.
John-Visual Notebook
Sorry to hear of your loss, Monte. You’ll always have your memories of times together, a small, but extremely valuable consolation.
Monte Stevens
I was reflecting back over those conversations and his ability to quietly listen then give good feedback. He will be missed by many.