We have at least 3 inches of snow here in town while, the mountains got much more. Heavy, wet, slushy, with icy and slick roads this morning.
It seems this savings times thingy really works. The saying goes: spring forward and fall back. Well we seem to have jumped all the way to Christmas of 2021. Sheesh!
Even though I don’t like the cold anymore, it’s 28 degrees, the beauty of fresh snowfall is breathtaking. Have a great day and stay warm!
It is beautiful, especially to me since we didn’t have any snow this year. Enjoy it; it will probably be gone before too long. Have a good weekend, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Yes, most of it is already melted but still cold and will be tonight. It was beautiful though. I did some some tree limbs down when I was out this morning. Enjoy your weekend!!
Tom Dills
Amazing! And to think that we were just down at the NC coast (blog post to follow) and it was a “chilly” 68.
Monte Stevens
68 degrees? Oh my gosh. Had to be thermal underwear time.
Nice April surprise! Made for a beautiful morning, glad you made it out there.
Monte Stevens
A brisk time to wake up. No need for coffee. I must say the mornings beauty was a great way to start the day!
Beautiful winter scenes but I think Mother Nature should let it go already.
Monte Stevens
I agree but Mother Nature says I still have more for you. My weather app says 3 more inches of snow possible Monday evening. May you have a wonderful Sunday!
First, beautiful photos. I’m sure many people just stayed inside cursing at the April snow.
Second, Merry Christmas!
Monte Stevens
Yes, they did stay inside. This is our season for snow and rain. As they say out here, “April snow brings May flowers.”