This is the starting point to the trail at Arapaho Bend Natural Area. I find this view to be an inviting place to start. I spent some time out there late Saturday afternoon for some renewal and to touch base with nature.
The second image is along the trail on the west side of the natural area. I’ve been coming out here for over 15 years and watched things change. A year ago they changed the dirt/gravel path to concrete. It is nice in funky weather but it does take away from the feel of the natural area. The engineering mind of man wants to improve or enhance this area. In doing so we alter the natural area to a man controlled environment. Almost wish the old path was still there.
Speaking of paths. I am thinking about going on a 5 week long residential retreat in July for training as a Spiritual Director. And, what the heck is Spiritual Direction? Spiritual Direction for me means helping someone’s relationship with the God of their understanding, helping someone develop a conscious contact with a power greater than themselves, and for me anyway, it’s pursuing an interest in the artist behind the creation of each sunrise, sunset, thunderstorm, dandelion or quiet snowfall. So, there’s a desire to experience a 5 week retreat, getting involved in a community with similar interests, delving deeper in a study of life’s journey and hopefully my growth as a person. It is an area I’ve been interested in, having read/studied it for many years now. I’ve had a Spiritual Director, as well as an AA sponsor and I’ve been a sponsor for several years. I’ve found them to be beneficial in my spiritual life, as well as fellow travelers and friends. I’m hoping this program will offer me a chance to learn, develop and renew the skills necessary to practice the art of spiritual direction as a director and a directee.
And, for me it also includes the desire to develop those skills as a photographer, finding new ways to experience and express the beauty I see in the world through words, photography and how I live life on a spiritual basis. Someone once said that to be a better photographer one must be a more interesting person. It is one of the items on my bucket list. Not sure how I’ve expressed myself and what this means for me as it’s more about the experience and something personal. Plus, life is too short to wait till later. This could be a good starting point on a new path in my life.
This looks like a wonderful place to walk, relax and get lost in one’s own thoughts, Monte.
The residential Spiritual Director retreat sounds interesting, to say the least. I do believe opening one’s self up to looking inward as well as outward, connecting the two, can definitely enhance and improve the photographer experience. That connection, whatever it may be called, seems all important for most organic art and I believe it can be enhanced and developed through many avenues. Best of luck in having a wonderful experience and I hope there will be things you learn or experience that can shared.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Brookes! The perfectionist inside of me wants to question if it’s the path I need to travel. Most of the questioning behind the voice is fear. Fear has blocked me from trying and pursuing so many things in my life. Let’s see what it brings!