I took this image this past Monday around 10:00 am. I was standing in the parking lot of the Senior Center and looking out over the south edges of Rowland Moore park. When I awoke we had fog and this heavy frost settling in on everything. Quite interesting to watch the frost form on the trees. Nature sure does know how to create some wonderful scenes and with a purpose behind them.
It’s going to be cold the next 4-5 days, getting down to zero on Sunday night. Looks like winter is not ready to let go or spring is not yet to make it’s appearance. When looking at the national weather it looks like that is true for much of our nation.
Now typing this on a new MacBook Pro. I will write about the purchase a bit later as I get more familiar with it. When I looked up the receipt for my old MacBook, the purchase date was November of 2008. It paid for itself. I’m expecting this one to do the same! Now with this purchase you should see a slight improvement in my photography.
Joseph Smith
That’s a beautiful image, Monte! Here in SD I thought our rainy season was over but looks like we’ll be getting some cold rain this weekend. It would be nice to say “we need it” but at this point we really don’t. I’m looking forward to hearing about the MacBook. I should probably invest in a new iMac as this one is 10 years old or more.
Monte Stevens
Thank you! I’ve seen where you have gotten plenty of rain. Reminds us of how little power we have over nature. I’m now trying to install the latest Lightroom Classic and having issues with passwords. Frustrating!
Beautiful scene and photo, Monte. Congratulations on your new MacBook Pro. May it give you years of trouble free enjoyment. Considering your photography has always been tip-top, are you sure about your improvement expectations? Have a great weekend!
Monte Stevens
I thought you would know by now I’m one who lives part of his life in fantasy. I’m like the grazing cow who thinks the grass is better on the other side of the fence.
Tom Dills
We’ve been doing a bit of traveling, and each time we come home we’re hoping to come home to spring! So far it hasn’t happened, and they are talking about 20s here later next week. We may just have to hit the road again!
I love those frosty trees against that cold blue sky. I can just feel the cold. Time to go put on some warmer socks, I think!