“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” Voltaire
The older I get the fewer answers I know and the more questions I ask. So, here’s a question: What if we seek wisdom and knowledge rather than seeking answers? Is there a difference? It seems pride arises in those who claim to have an answer(s). And, pride will cause us to stop seeking more questions (since we already have the answers). Then, with fewer questions asked will there be less wisdom and knowledge, only answers? And, two may ask the same question but two may not necessarily find the same answer. Is that true of wisdom and knowledge? I’m full of questions.
Cedric Canard
A monk once told me: Ask questions, seek answers and knowledge will be yours. Ask no questions, seek no answers and wisdom will light your path. Sounds all deep and meaningful but I’m pretty sure he was just teasing. Monks do that
Monte Stevens
Silly Monks!
Deep stuff can be fun, not that I grasp it. I have a young man who I meet with every so often. He has a masters degree in philosophy and teaching in a couple of local colleges. He can easily lose me. One thing about you is your ability to think deeply and then write about it so that others can understand you.