It is Friday morning about 7:30 am and sitting at a computer on campus at Morgan Library. Yes, I have a mocha in hand from Morgans Grind, the coffee shop located in the library. A light snow is falling and has been, with mixed rain, since Thursday night. We have received about 2-3 inches of snow but with lots of moisture. Winter is still with us in Colorado.
As I walked from the bus stop to the library I noticed a student riding their bicycle in this 20 degree weather without gloves. How do they do that? Anyway, back to the weather. They are predicting lows for the next two nights somewhere from the single digits to mid teens. Time to make chili again and check on airfare to Phoenix. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend!
Paul Lester
Yikes. Flowers and trees blossoming here … temps near 80! Spring in the Carolinas. Some mid-30s tomorrow night, but that should be it. Keep that coffee cup filled, my friend!
Monte Stevens
We are seeing buds on trees, also. And, we have had some really nice weather this past week. What is good about this front is the moisture we’ve received. Again, it’s the cold I’m not wanting.
I think it should be us giving you that stay warm advice, Monte. It was 82º here in mid-Georgia today…had the air conditioner on!
Monte Stevens
Air condtioning? What’s that. Well, it won’t be long before we’ll be seeing 80 degrees.
Tom Dills
Yep, we’ve started to think about getting out the shorts and sandals here, Monte. Stay warm, another couple of months and you’ll be done with winter for the year.
Monte Stevens
Yes, thinking about those warner days. We do have really nice summers in Colorado.