A common misconception is that sunflowers track the sun. In fact, mature flowerheads typically face east and do not move. I also found out Native American groups planted sunflowers on the north edges of their gardens as a “fourth sister” to the better known three sisters combination of corn, beans, and squash. I did not know any of that so that was one of my lessons for today. I am surprised how many fields of these magnificent plants there are.
It would seem that if I want to see such fields of abundant sunflowers that I am going to have to get up that way. 🙂
Monte Stevens
Come on out! As you are finding out, there is not better way to experience things than being there.
Anita Jesse
Sounds interesting. Monte and Paul in a photo shootout with sunflowers as the subject. We would all have fun with the resulting pictures.
Monte Stevens
The M9 against the G12. LOL It could be a lot fun.