I took this image on the bus ride the other morning. The sunrise was a pretty red and pink so I shot towards the east and included one of the riders. I like how it came out as it made it an abstract image. We have been cold ever since the Thanksgiving snowstorm that left us with 15 inches of snow. We’ve had a couple of days reach above 50 degrees but most days hoover around 40 degrees. Due to the cold and the amount of snow it is taking time to melt the snow, which is not the norm for Colorado. There are still piles of plowed snow along the campus that are still 6 feet tall. I confess I’m looking forward to warmer weather.
Tom Dills
I love how this looks like you are actually outside the bus looking in.
We’ve had our own weird weather here the last few weeks. We’ve been close to 70 every day lately, dropping only into the 60s at night. We’ve run the air conditioning the last few nights because the house has been stuffy. I’m not complaining (or bragging!) but would rather have that than snow and cold!
We head for Florida next week and are hoping things cool down here while we’re gone so we won’t be wasting our money!
Monte Stevens
Air conditioning! Wow! Its 18 right now. My sister and brother in law are on a 2 week cruise down there. Have fun in Florida.
This photo has me confused. I like it!
If not for your explanation I would have put this down to a double exposure, but knowing how you did this, I am mesmerised all the more.
Monte Stevens
The image when seen on my monitor was not what I expected. I had pause and think about how I took it. It is mesmerizing!
Being always a detail type of guy…I thought it looked like you were shooting the reflection of the passenger and sunrise in your window (to your right) which included the reflections from the far side windows? Very neat effect!
Monte Stevens
When I first saw it on the monitor I had the same thoughts but as I looked at it I realized how I had taken it.
Love this shot, the colors are fab and including the passenger was perfect. With the poles/posts, it has a triptych feel. Well done!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Faye. Hope all is well with you. I must got and check my feeds to see what all you and others have posted. Wanna keep up….
beautiful colors in this one, Monte. The chill in the air is palpable.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Joe. It really was one of those images that I really did know what I had until later. For me it’s the voice within telling me to look and see.