Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Yelp, you know it’s cold when even the shadows turn blue! We had a dusting of snow last night and it was in the upper teens early this morning. What an unusual pattern, more snow to the East and into the deep South. It will just barely reached above freezing as a high today. I hope your chocolate supply is holding out.

    • Monte Stevens

      The whole country seems to be in kind of a strange place. Snow in Houston, Florida, Alabama, and New Orleans. And, I’ve noticed cold temperatures always seem to come with snow. LOL This morning we were at 23 degrees when I left the house, about 30 degrees warmer than yesterday morning. A heat wave. But it is quite windy, up to 24 mph. Stay warm!

    • Monte Stevens

      Good morning, my friend! I am learning in my older age to make things more simple, in life as well as my photography. It is lightly snowing right now. And we are expecting it to continue into the day. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!

  • Mark

    The polar vortex just passed here last week, and I learned the Anishinaabe word for “bone-cracking cold.” Your blue shadows capture that feeling well.