I sure have not had much desire or motivation to be on the internet. Therefore I have not taken many images (although its always with me), I have not posted much on this site,I have not kept up with my favorite blogs (yes yours), I haven’t been out to my nature areas much. I have, however, been working on my cardiac rehab, putting in time on the treadmill, bicycle and rower three days a week, and walking, and spending money at my favorite coffee shops. My walking has been shortened due to the cold weather. We had sub-zero temperatures a couple mornings in a row. Looking forward to Spring and Summer.
Each February 1st my friend, Kay and I make a day trip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park in memory of her husband, Wayne. This year marked six years ago he died. Wayne was a good friend of mine as we found we connected with similar spiritual paths and read the same authors. We always finish off the day trip with a late lunch at one of Wayne’s favorite restaurants, Sweet Basilicas.
The above image was taken at a turnout in Horseshoe Meadows just inside the north entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Hope all is well with you and I will do my best to get back up to speed at whatever rate my body and mind need.
Cedric Canard
Hi Monte, real nice to hear from you. I believe I know how you feel. I have experienced that lack of motivation towards photography and the internet. Especially the internet. Getting back into it at whatever rate your body and mind feel comfortable with is a good approach. With that exercise routine that you have going, it sounds like you are putting your time to good use in any case.
By the way, that is a nice ritual you and Kay have. A nice way to remember an absent friend. And it doesn’t look like you have lost your touch with your camera either.
Anyway, keep working out and keep up your coffee intake. Spring is just around the corner.
Monte Stevens
This meadow is the path a glacier carved many years ago and a haven for elk in the rut season. I don’t believe I have ever been there when the wind was not blowing.
And, I remember there was a period of time when you were absent from your blog. Life is similar to the seasons of nature. Thank you for your comments and following my blog!
Alway good to hear from you, Monte, and I’m glad you’re on the road of recovery. The priority is your health and it sounds like that’s where your focus rightly is. Keeping you in our thoughts and hearts. All is well with us.
Monte Stevens
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and hearts! I think I have too high expectations on my recovery, at least they are higher than the doctors, and famity and friends. The nurse who did my orientation to the cardiac rehab put it this way, “We abused your body in surgery then disturbed you for a week, waking you up at night as we took vitals, probed and prodded you.” Hurts just typing that out.
Monte: Glad to hear that the rehab is going well and that you are still out and about. As Earl said, health is the priority, and it sounds like you’ve got it right! Keep it up! I like having you around, reading your thoughts. Also, what a great tradition of honoring and remembering a friend!
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Paul. I was one of those young men who did not take very good of care of my body and in some ways not aware of the messages it was telling me. The last few years I have paid more attention and taken steps to better self-care. I wish to be more like you and walk “every” morning but the motivation, discipline and the cold keep me from any consistency.
Tom Dills
Congratulations on being on the road to recovery, Monte. It’s great to see you posting photos and commentary again!