
My soul is refreshed…

It was about 8:45 am when I left the coffee shop. But I again avoided going home and found myself at Pineridge Natural area. I sat on the bench with my journal and pen looking out over the meadow. The cloudless blue sky allows the mid morning sun to warm my body. Deep within me I know I come here because of the impact nature has on me. I take in the sights, the sounds, the smells that are so different from what I experience at home.

Pineridge Natural Area

I also come here because there is an abundance of songbirds in this area as they avoid the intrusion of man’s repulsive machines and smells. And as I journal, I see and hear Goldfinches, Bullock’s Orioles, Western Kingbirds, Mourning Doves, Red Winged Blackbirds, Flickers, Bluejays, Chickadees, Robins, and Sparrows. If they are not singing they are entertaining me with their acrobatics. And of course, my favorite is the Western Meadowlark, who I never hear at my condo. All the crosstalk may sound like gibberish to some but it’s music to my ears. I watch two flotillas of White Pelicans drift along the shores of Dixon Reservoir. One on the north end and one on the south end. I hear a Great Blue Heron croaking, but I am unable to see them. A red tail hawk effortlessly soars in circles above me on the wind currents, but never flapping their wings. The prairie dogs bark out their warning as dogs lead their owners by a leash along the trail. My soul is refreshed!


And, I’ve not even touched on the evidential beauty of the plants that dance in the wind around me. Wait, are those coneflowers waving at me? Yes, they’re wishing me a happy 74th birthday.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.