bicycles,  bicycling,  Transportation

New Wheels

So I purchased some new wheels, a Class 1 electric bicycle. I have been thinking about one for a while but never seriously did anything about it, allowing it to remain a fantasy. It has been a part of the idea of simplifying my life and reducing my carbon footprint. I was also highly influenced by a book titled Curbing Traffic that was recommended to me by one of the baristas at a coffee shop. Over the past few years I have driven my car less , using the city’s mass transit and walking. I primarily use my car as an escape from the city, bulky groceries, traveling longer distances or when cold, or inclimate weather convinces me to take the car.

On the advice of a friend and since I had never ridden one, I decided I would take one out for a test ride. Fortunately or unfortunately, it was love at first ride. I handed them my credit card when I got back. I even liked the color! 😁 I made the purchase on August 9th and have already ridden over 200 miles with it. Hopefully, over the next few weeks I’ll share with you information about how it’s working out for me and what I’m learning. So far everything is positive, almost feeling like a kid again. Even though I’ve ridden bicycles throughout my life, this is turning out to be a new experience. I’m 74 years old and wondered if I was too old for this; primarily my strength, balance and reaction time. I am also discovering that an e-bike rides differently, so there are plenty of lessons to learn. Pedaling on….

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Way to go! I love that ‘sporty’ color. I look forward to hearing more about your experience, range, charging, speed, etc. If life’s a circle, it seems only fitting to ride bicycles again.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl! That ‘sporty’ color is called Viper Red. In the past I wanted a red sports car. Now in my 70’s I have a red ebike. 😂 I hope to bring bits and pieces of what I’m discovering with this ebike. It sure does get good gas mileage!!!

  • Joe

    She’s a beauty, Monte! I rode and e-bike for the first time a year ago in Switzerland and loved it. It’s still on my “maybe” list.

    • Monte Stevens

      My first ride was impressive, different than I expected. Now that I some miles and time on it I realize a few subtleties with them. I am very glad I purchased the Class 1 ebike because I really do want the exercise it offers. I’m not sure what sort of trails and paths they have up in your area. I bet there are some cool places to travel on a bike. Be careful as I think the bike started out on my “maybe” list then….

    • Monte Stevens

      I also look forward to where it takes me or where I take it. For most of my life I have been a wandering soul and have come to a place where the travel has decreased. I am also finding out how much I do get to experience while on the bicycle than from a car. It’s also much easier to stop, take in some scene and bring home an image.