“The soil under the grass is dreaming of a young forest, and under the pavement the soil is dreaming of grass.”
Wendell Berry
I am grateful for the natural areas and the city of Fort Collins for setting aside these areas. They protect nature from those who want to profit from them and destroy the dreams of the soil. Because it was a beautiful day of blue sky and sunshine, I spent some time at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area this afternoon and journaled. I thought about people who know nothing but the asphalt, concrete and noise of big cities. For them to be present to the silence of the sunrise above or to look out over a vast horizon, could be startling if not frightening to them. So, this evening I’m aware of how lucky, blessed, and grateful I am to have these sanctuaries to experience. I will end with words written in my journal today: No asphalt here…
Faye White
Let’s hope that it remains asphalt-free. Beautiful scene.
Monte Stevens
Yes, let’s hope so. I was there again this morning for sunrise before heading to a coffee shop. It was cold and windy this morning and just as beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful day! Praying for you!