This is today’s sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area. It looks to be a hot day, reaching 100 degrees. Had a couple of hiccups yesterday so sorry if this post sounds a bit whinny. Promise, it won’t take long.
I dropped off my car at 6:30 to have the oil changed. I then walked to a coffee shop to meet a friend. I was already at the coffee shop, one I seldom patronize, when he called to let me know he was at ER after falling and dislocating his shoulder. He’s going to be okay.
Since I was already at the coffee shop I ordered an iced chai, falsely believing that would make things better. Well it was probably the worst chai latte I’ve ever had. Dumped it all. I noticed a feeling of frustration within because plans were not going as planned.
It was now about 11:00 am. I walked back to the repair shop, buying a sandwich from the local Starbucks on the way. It was horrible. What’s wrong with my tastebuds?
When I arrived at the repair shop I discovered there was a mixup. When I dropped off the car I placed the keys in the wrong place. They were not able to work on the car until I let them know where the keys were. Thus we were about 4 hours behind my scheduled plans. Then the Uber driver delivering my air filter got lost which delayed things. I did not get my car until 5:00 pm. Partly my error and partly theirs. However, everyone kept their kool.
Next, I was to meet a friend about 6:45 pm. All went well with that plan. Felt gratitude and we even chuckled about each others day!
I realized before going to bed that after my morning prayer and meditation time, I did not start my day at one of my natural areas. I made sure to remedy that this morning. Anyway, all is okay as no one got hurt yesterday. Have a great day!
Sometimes those types of days just happen and we just have to soldier through them. Sounds like you handled it pretty well. I had to smile about the title and the final sentence because one of my Mom’s
latter life favorite sayings when things went a little wrong was, “No one’s hurt and no one’s bleeding, so it’s okay.” However, she’d usually leave off the “so it’s okay” as a given. Have a great upcoming weekend, Monte; and keep starting your days at a natural area, just in case! 
Monte Stevens
Slept in late this morning but sat outside to read and journal. Wonderful morning and expecting it to be hot again.
Glad I brought up memories of your mom. I have those moments when sayings by my grandparents or parents resurface and also bring a smile.
Yes, just in case. Hope you two have a great weekend!
Tom Dills
Sounds like one of those mornings where you might have been better off to stay in the bed…yikes! Glad everything worked out in the long run, as they often do even when we’re certain they won’t. No one got hurt – great title and what a positive way to look at the chain of events.
Monte Stevens
I’m glad all worked out also. I suppose we need days like that one to help us appreciate the good days, when there seems to be no hiccups.