The above image I took along the east side of Horsetooth Reservoir yesterday evening of the Galena Fire. It is way too early to begin having forest fires, especially after last year. They suspect this was cause by man which makes it even more painful. Let’s hope we do not have the same season as last year. In the lower right portion you can see some of the flames as the flare up.
This image is taken from the south looking north towards the fire. This south end has several homes and the harbor area for the reservoir. As you can see the smoke is drifting to the east and settling on the city of Fort Collins. Everything smells like smoke and we can find ash on our cars in town. Have a super weekend.
Ok, I’ve pretty much ruled out the Horsetooth Reservoir area as any place I’d ever want to settle down. I feel terrible for those poor people having to deal with that terror again.
Monte Stevens
Property value may have dropped even more. Could be some good prices up there.
The good news is the fire is 100% contained as of this evening. No property or lives lost and about 1348 acres burned. Much of it was along a favorite hiking/biking area. The housing development on the south end of Horsetooth were glad it did not get any larger.
John-Visual Notebook
Not again, indeed. Checking the weather, I’m not seeing any rain forecast for at least another week. Despite the moisture of the past few weeks, it’s not looking good. I think we need to have a few rain dances performed…
Monte Stevens
Yes, again. It is now 100% contained. We sure could use some moisture (rain or snow) as we are vey dry. If you know any of the rain dance steps please do not hesitate to do a jig or two or three or four. I’ll clap my hands to keep up a rhythm.
David Leland Hyde
Good grief, that’s terrible. Very sad to hear of fires this early in the season too. Hope this is the only one this year in Colorado.
Monte Stevens
As I mentioned above the fire is now 100% contained and only 1348 acres in size. It’s about as early a fire as I seen in this area. It was very disturbing to this whole community after what we went through last year. I also hope this is the only fire this year, any where!
I certainly hope you are not in for a repeat of last year Monte! That would be awful.
Monte Stevens
I hope not. I noticed this morning a patch of grassy area along Taft Hill Road that had a burn area maybe 50 acres in size. Almost sure it started from someone’s cigarette flipped out the window. Cars do have ash trays!