Well here’s another theme made by the same developer, Optima, called Savona. It has a few of the things that I could not get to work on the Graceful theme. It very much looks like Graceful and my older theme. It is clean and uses more of the screen. It also defaults to a white background, which I want.
My primary concern for this website is simplicity so I’ve decided to eliminate the featured image as it does not have the lightbox function. I do not see where that can be added except through code and I’m not going there.
The only way I can get an image on the blog post page is with full content instead of excerpt. When I choose an excerpt it displays 50 characters of the post but not an image. With full context on this allows the image to be on the blog post page and the full article to be read. This way my millions of readers can read my content without going to the continue reading link. This is true on both these themes. I have also enlarged the image just a bit.
This theme also shows the number of comments on the blog post page, which Graceful did not show. Anyway, here is another theme and hoping you will see what I don’t and let me know. Hope you had a good Saturday.
Faye White
First, love the image. I caught one similar one a few years ago. I’m on my notebook instead of my phone at the moment and I don’t know if that makes a difference but it took fewer clicks to get here.
Monte Stevens
I also have a couple images when we had the last solar eclipse. I’ve looked at this on the phone and haven’t seen a problem with it yet. I guess each iteration has something to learn from it. Thanks, Faye. Enjoy your day tomorrow!
This theme also looks good and gives you back the sidebar on the front page. However, I liked the content “Montserrat” font a little better in the previous theme than the “Open Sans” font here. The font size was also a bit bigger at 16px vs. this at 15px. Nitpicking!
As Mark indicated in a previous post comment, featured Image in WordPress is a tricky option. I select a featured image, but I don’t allow it to display at the top of the post page; there’s an option for that. It only shows on my home page or archive page in my post grid with extracts. It all depends on how your theme handles it.
What counts is what you like because I’ll return no matter the theme!
Monte Stevens
I’m not that picky about the font difference but I did notice the differences. I really do not like the size of the font for my header. I don’t see where I can change that unless I venture into CSS land. I’m pretty tentative about that step into blogging. I’m not too worried about having a featured image. I liked how it looked on the last theme but haven’t even checked it out here. I will look into this more although it’s not all that important. The truth is if I want this blog to improve I need to improve the content more than how it looks. For now this theme looks like it meets my needs/wants. However, I may reach out to you if I have a question.
I’ll second Earl’s comment – it matters what you like – that is unless you have a bunch of pop up ads trying to sell supplements or something. Then we might complain – millions of us.
That said, I do like the lightbox for the image. It’s a small thing, not a deal killer. Very cool BTW for the shadows – actually looks a bit ominous. We had no indication of an eclipse here as it rained all day. The nice thing about WordPress is you can play a lot to find out what you like. The bad thing about WordPress is you can play a lot to find out what you like.
Monte Stevens
For those who enjoy delving into program stuff WordPress would be a blast. There are a couple of things about the fonts I would like to change but not sure how. As I mentioned to Earl I will research some of this with Dr. Google. If you, or anyone else, knows a place that can show me how to change my header font and content font, please let me know. I also like the lightbox and it’s a draw to this theme. I sure feel like a newby and I’ve had this blog since October of 2008.
I can relate to the feeling Monte, trust me. Just this week I noticed my own lightbox feature was working for my featured image, but stopped working for my images within a post. I think it has been that way for a bit, shame on me for not checking it. There are SO MANY things to check – desktop, mobile, functions, links, etc, etc. Then finding the cause is another rabbit hole.
Fortunately I found the culprit and change that did it. It was my own fault.
But for headers and default content fonts, it can depend on your theme – if it has it’s own settings content box. Or best chance it may rely on the WP settings, which are in your APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE menu in WordPress. Then go to GENERAL SETTINGS > TYPOGRAPHY.
Monte Stevens
Rabbit hole!!! LOL I cannot see where I can change the fonts and I have not menu for TYPOGRAPHY. That may be in the pro version since I am using the free theme. I’ll keep looking and do my best to stay out of the rabbit hole!!!