… and bought the Fijifilm X-E1 and the kit lens, the 18-55m f2.8-4.0. Yes I know they just came out with an updated version appropriately called the X-E2. However, because of the new camera the price dropped significantly for me to purchase the X-E1. I also had a gift certificate which helped. I’ve lusted for this camera every since it came out almost a year ago.
All 5 of these images were shot in “Professional Mode”, fine jpeg format and straight out the camera (except where noted). No sharpening, no tone adjustments. Nothing. I framed the image and pressed the shutter button. My intent was to see what the camera was capable of doing. First impressions are positive. It is built solid and weighs more than I expected with that zoom lens. Love the tightness of the zoom ring and the soft click of the aperture ring. Since it is a rangefinder style camera, and the first one I’ve ever owned, I feel awkward but don’t expect that to last very long.

After deciding to order the camera, I downloaded the manual and started reading. It’s a simple manual as is the camera. I like the menus and the Q button is helpful. The different viewfinder and display options were a bit of struggle. Found myself changing them unexpectedly, figuring out what I did and then how to prevent it. I’m a bit of slow learner, but Icano learn.

So these images are from a stroll in Old Town about 9:30 to 10:30 in the morning. I will try some of the film settings later, take it our of auto mode and give some feedback on those experiences.

Love the red on this bicycle seat. Just after I took this image I noticed a man walking towards smiling. He quizzically asked me if I was taking a photo of the bicycle. I told him yes and anything else that would catch my eye. He has no concept of my illness when a camera is in my hands. Especially a new camera.

My first guess is the camera will make me a better photographer and will promote my career as a hobbyist. On the serious side, it’s another tool in my bag in which I hope to use in my photography. It will work for me on the streets as well as landscapes and portraits. More to come.
Tom Dills
Looks like a good start, Monte. I’ll be interested to see what you think of the camera as you get even more used to it.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. I’ll let you know.
Congratulations, Monte. I’ll stay tuned to see what you come up with. I’ve purchased a new one myself, but, more on that later.
Tom Dills
Oooh, breaking news! Funny how we’re all so nonchalant about gear until someone gets something!
LOL! Oh. I know that I like gear and I’ve given up offering excuses as to why I ‘need’ it. I just want it so, I’ll buy it.
Monte Stevens
That does not surprise me one bit. I will also be interested in knowing what you think of it. I’m totally impressed with the sensor in colors and tones.
Chris Klug
Man, this camera/sensor has a special look, doesn’t it? I see the images here, and I have the same kind of visceral response I do with my images from my X-Pro 1. I have really thought deeply about the zoom lens you have, as well. I own the 18, the 35 and the 60. I also have an adaptor that lets me put my Nikon manual focus lenses on the camera, which effectively doubles my lens collection. I’ve heard really good things about that zoom, and your lovely images certainly confirm that!
Monte Stevens
I read a post today about how the Fuji X camera has brought to the surface how bad a photographer he really is. Buying good equipment will not make us better but as tool it will allow us to become a better photographer.
I purchased the zoom lens because it’s in the kit and I’d heard good reports about it. If I continue to like this camera I would like to purchase a nice wide angle lens (18mm or 27mm). I’m also interested in seeing how this camera works for me in the field as a landscape photographer and not just work the streets with it.
Cedric Canard
Congratulations Monte. These images look super nice. I’m looking forward to seeing more.
Monte Stevens
So far the new camera has been a good experience. I will keep posting about my experience with it.