This is my daughter, her face lit by the computer screen. It was shot handheld, 1/30 @ f4.0, ISO 6400, under exposed by 2/3 of a stop, then post processed in Silver Efex Pro 2.
I’m enjoying the aperture ring on the lens rather than having a button or knob on the body. The switch on the side of the 18-55mm lens is easy to access for changing between aperture mode or program mode. I’m finding myself shooting mostly in program mode. I think the metering system does a good job and I’ll stay with that for a while. I will switch to aperture or manual mode when I need to be a bit more creative.
Monte, lovely daughter and a great shot with post-processing for what could have been a difficult lighting/exposure situation. Sounds like your enjoying that new camera and it’s capabilities…go with the creativity!!
Monte Stevens
It was a difficult situation and I sort of like the post processing I got from it. It’s always good to say, “Well lets try this.”
Chris Klug
Beautiful shot and working that way with the X series is one of my favorite things.
I rented the zoom for a trip recently and really liked it, especially the VR.
Monte Stevens
Simply put, it allows me to shoot. What did you think of the weight for the 18-55? One of the factors in buying into the X system was the small but quality lens. Not sure which prime I want and hopefully some day I will have the opportunity to add one to my bag.
Nice portrait, Monte. It sounds as if you’ve found the right camera for you. I’m enjoying hearing about your experiences with it, and of course, looking at the photos.
Monte Stevens
I smile because there are so many options for us to choose from and several of them would work for us, We just need to pick one and learn to use it.
Cedric Canard
This is a lovely portrait Monte. I also like hearing your thoughts about your new camera. Thanks for sharing your experience.