“Don’t ask the world to change….you change first.”
Anthony de Mello
It was one of those moments. The ground around me was changing every second as leaves from the elm trees were constantly descending everywhere. I took three photos before I stopped and settled into just being the observer of the beautiful moment I was experiencing. If you look closely you will see one leaf in mid-descent just to the left of center.
Had a wonderful lunch with my oldest daughter today. We talked about those questions we all seem to ask, “What do I want to do or be when I grow up?” She is one of many who have attained the career goals, the family, home, cars, money and more. She now asks what else is there? Seems I’ve reached a point where things do not have the value of the past. What’s important are those things I cannot grasp but only experience and live: peace, serenity, love, compassion, family, friends, journaling, photography, and… you can fill the rest of the list. Sounds like changes are about to happen in her life.
It’s been a cold day. Finished my steps and I’m in for the evening. Will have a Zoom chat with a friend who just moved back east.
Faye White
If only we could freeze this moment until Spring.
Monte Stevens
Nice play on words,my friend! LOL Looks like you could have some rain the next couple of days. Be safe!