clouds,  landscape,  poems

One story at a time…

All that we are is story. From the moment we are born to the time we continue on our spirit journey, we are involved in the creation of the story of our time here. It is what we arrive with. It is all we leave behind. We are not the things we accumulate. We are not the things we deem important. We are story. All of us. What comes to matter then is the creation of the best possible story we can while we’re here; you, me, us, together. When we can do that and we take the time to share those stories with each other, we get bigger inside, we see each other, we recognize our kinship – we change the world, one story at a time…

Richard Wagamese

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    The quote is fascinating and sheds light upon the importance native tribes placed up their historian or storytellers–we are our stories. These storytellers hold a special place in their communities as they are seen as the guardians of their people’s collective memory and wisdom. They impart valuable lessons, values, and beliefs through their profound stories. This is one of many strengths of their culture.

    I’ve always been envious of excellent natural storytellers, but alas, it’s a skill I do not possess. I hope you have a good week, Monte!

    • Monte Stevens

      I am also envious of those who are natural storytellers. Doesn’t seem to be one of my gifts. I just discovered this writer through a friend who is currently reading one of his books called Embers, a book of meditations. He intrigued me enough that I went ahead and ordered the book. I have also shared some poems and quotes from another writer named Steven Charleston, who is also Native American. Both books I have of his are also meditations. They are a nice way to start the day. I find a lot of wisdom and spirituality in their culture. And I hope you have a wonderful week.

  • geri oster

    Dearest Monte, I wish I could express to you just how powerful and necessary your photographs, quotes and personal shares are in the writing of my story today. I am currently learning a great deal about just how powerful the story that I tell myself is. It shapes my experience of myself, you, Creation and my Higher Power. Your shares and beautiful and inspiring photographs are helping me to realize and walk in the incredible goodness and beauty of humanity and Creation as well as helping me to be a greater participant in it all with greater JOY. Thank you, and Blessings, g.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Geri! It is my hope that the words I post, whether mine of some else’s, have some way of touching readers. That is also true of my images. Both have ways of changing someone’s day or even for a few moments. Blessings to you!!!