Man I love the vantage point of shooting between those two trees. I wonder what people are thinking when they see this gray haired codger standing behind a tripod, making these “oohing and awing” sounds.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Anita Jesse
That is a funny image you created in my mind’s eye of you at the tripod and the observers. But, if they are looking at you, rather than the amazing display spread before them, too bad for them. Well done!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Anita!
I use to think about what people thought as I jumped thought hoops to get the photo I wanted….now I don’t give it a second thought. A beautiful scene and if they are not “oohing and awing,” shame on them!
Monte Stevens
Actually, I’m pretty much that way also. But, as I stook along side of the road to take these few images, cars did slow down due to curiosity.