bright light of sun
spread across the open field
cloudless blue sky
warm rays of sun
spread across the open field
insects everywhere
Rant Warning: Seems 95% of the drivers in Fort Collins, and maybe the whole state, drive over the speed limit. The other 5% are behind me and they’re pissed.
This is a beautiful scene, void of all the madness going on in the world. The insects, however, give me the heebie-jeebies. lol
Monte Stevens
Those insects can be pestering. They don’t give me the heebie-jeebies unless they are in bed with me. That’s where I draw the line!
Your comment about drivers is so, so true. Even when we drive the speed limit there is someone behind us who needs to get somewhere faster then us. Have a great day, Monte… and peace.
Monte Stevens
Good morning, my friend. The silly thing is we almost always meet at the stoplight.
Tom Dills
Maybe I’m one of the fast(er) drivers, but it always seems to me like the slowpoke is the guy I’m behind, and the impatient ones are the ones behind me! My mantra, and one I taught my kids (and they still repeat) is that I am their problem, they are not my problem.
Monte Stevens
That’s a good mantra. I try not to be their problem, either, as I will pull over and let them go around me.