I would venture to say many of us could use some improvement on our patience. I think aging has improved my ability to wait patiently more. Life does not need to be rushed as much as I think it used to. I could take a lesson from this woman as she patiently waits and reads. You can also note she came prepared, which helps.
Steve Skinner
Patience and being prepared are truly virtues.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Steve.
Tom Dills
That’s what experience teaches us, I think. Always have something to do or read, just in case. And never pass up a chance to use the restroom.
Monte Stevens
Ah, yes the restroom! I’ve been there for a few years.
Cedric Canard
I’m like you Monte, more patient today than in younger days though I am not sure age breeds patience for all. I was discussing this very topic with friends only recently and some of THEM admitted that quite the inverse was true. They find themselves getting short tempered and less accepting of change and events over which they have no control.
One of them, a doctor, claimed that patience versus irritability had to do with hormones. He said that if testosterone levels go down men become more patient and quieter. If those levels go up or stay the same, then the inverse is true. I have no idea if this is true or whether he was pulling our legs
Monte Stevens
So, it’s my hormones and not maturity. Disappointing! It does make sense as I know I relate to the world differently when I feel physically good. I confess to having those moments when something can irritate me, usually an inanimate object like a computer or a can opener or a politician, and I find words of profanity I thought were buried, bursting forth. It subsides quicker than when I was younger and I’m back to being the calm and peaceful me.